Monday 4 September 2017

[INTERVIEW] NU'EST Waiting Q Photobook

JR's interview

Did you see the reactions after the first broadcast of JTBC's <Night Goblin>?
I was very nervous. I was unsure of what I had to do because it was my first time on variety, I I knew that it would be extremely difficult to have to be on the show without a script. The seniors made it great for me. However, I was losing continuously in the games, and the salt kimbap I made there was really a mistake. But I really wanted to make it well! 

You're the leader in NU'EST, but the youngest on the variety show. 
I relied a lot on the seniors. Because I was very shy and hesitant, Hyungdon-hyung told me, "It's okay for you to act arrogant and be comfortable." This is just a broadcast, and they knew that I'm normally not an arrogant kid. Recently, it feels like I've gained a hyung whom I can ask "I think of it this way, but is it correct?" In the past, I had to handle things alone, but it's really great now that I have people to ask. While doing broadcasts, I'm learning about the inter-relationships between people. 

On the contrary, it seems like you are an existence that the members can rely more on. 
I'm the kind who tends to listen more to others, but the members don't come to me first to talk. Since we have big individual responsibilities, we're not the type to shift our responsibilities onto others. We learnt a lot from having debuted at such a young age. And also, I don't think it's always necessarily a good thing to pull someone onto the direction that you yourself desire. Everyone takes to things differently. Instead, when I take care of someone, it translates into me saying that I rely on and trust in them, and I put in an effort to do that. Thus, even though I may be unable to befriend many people, I tend to befriend people for a long time. I have exactly three friends, and I've known all of them for 12 years. And when you intend to be together with them for a long time, I think that I'll also need to work hard to take care of the people around me, just of the same extent that they take care of me.

It seems like you think a lot more when you do activities as a team. 
It's completely different, compared to when I’m on my own. Out of everything, I pay the most attention to being careful with my words. Since I received so much love suddenly, it feels like people would scrunitize even the smallest mistakes. Especially so, because there are no such things like editing when it comes to V App live broadcasts. Because of that, I end up thinking twice before saying something, since I am not the only one who will suffer from the consequences if I were to say something wrong. 

In <Produce 101 Season 2>, your character as a leader was highlighted. What kind of a leader were you when NU'EST debuted? 
To be honest, when I was young, there was a part of me who would be forceful (toward the members. I would pay attention to even the gestures that we made with our fingers on stage. But when I turned 20, I realised that I myself wouldn't like hearing such things either. I felt that "Ah, if I go on like this, later on, I'll end up alone." I think I was scared of that happening, so I started to change my ways. Rather than saying "Let's do this.", I would say "Shall we try this? Do you want to do this?". There was once in the past, because things got so difficult, I told my father that I think I would no longer be able to be a leader, and my father said "If you give up on being the leader, what's going to happen?" (laughs) 

You seem to be close with your father. 
We are close, and I rely on him a lot. I often tell my dad about the things that happened here & there, and my father would tell me what to do. Then, while I'm disheartened, I would say "That's not it, I mean~", and my dad would go "Kid, you have to do it like this~." I would then decide to avoid talking about it ever again, but it never turns out that way (laughs). While doing <Produce 101 Season 2>, rather than trying to receive acknowledgement from many people, what came first, was trying to show something to my family. I felt like I could now tell my father with confidence "I came in #1!". I liked finding my confidence the most. When it came to working on our albums in the past, I would think "What if I were to say this, but it doesn't work out?". However, now I speak up with confidence. 

In an interview from the past, you said "I'm 22, but I feel like I'm living the life of someone who's 28." How do you feel now? 
Now, while doing broadcast, when I'm with the older hyungs, I feel like I'm a little younger, and when I return to the team, I feel like I gained a few more years. I still feel like I'm 28 now. That age seems to be the best age, and the 1 year 11 months before turning 30 seems like a golden time. However, when I'm actually that age, my thoughts would once again change, right? When I turn 28, there would also be many staff members who are younger than me. When that time comes, I'd like to take good care of the people around me. 

NU'EST is constantly 'waiting'. To you, what does 'waiting' mean?
Everyone says this, "There is a time for everyone. There are times when you do well, and for you guys, that time is now." Also, if there is someone who is waiting for their ‘time' to happen, I feel like I can tell you, "We did that, and so you guys can do it too. Do what you want to do now." Although it may of course, be frustrating, as you do the things you want to do, things would be different. 

Lastly, is there something you'd like to say to the fans? 
We thought of <Produce 101 Season 2> as our final, last chance. Thank you for giving us another chance like this. We'll make a firm promise that we'll do well. It feels like I have to make a promise like this, for me to work even harder. 

Ren's interview

While singing "Hello" during the V App mini concert, you cried a lot. 
I thought a lot of Minhyun, and I was very thankful for the fans. We're promoting as NU'EST W and we couldn't believe that we were receiving this much love. We want to repay the fans limitlessly.

When the members gather, do you talk about the old times too?
Because it was so difficult, we mostly avoid it. But even still, we do sometimes talk about the fun stories, like from "Sleeptalking" era. Because we went through many difficult situations, our hearts remain the same even now. Even when the reactions around us are good, it doesn't feel real to us. We will not lose our original intention even if NU'EST W does well. I remember the resolve we had when we debuted, when we decided to work hard.

How does it feel now that there are 4 of you? 
The empty space is very big. What gets noticed first is the difference in vocals. I was in charge of the introductions in the re-recording of "Hello" and in "If You". Previously, because we had the great voice of Minhyun, I worried a lot on how I would be able to pull that off. The fact that I could let others hear me sing again was good. In the past when I called my parents, the caller tone would be Minhyun or Baekho's part, but now it’s nice that my voice comes out. (laughs) However, it feels so lonely. I sang the introduction of "If You" while thinking of Minhyun. If I were to embellish my technique, the fans would catch on too, so I just followed my heart. Because Minhyun is a family-like existence.

The current situation must feel ironic. The dream you wanted was right in front of you, but the person that has always been by your side, isn’t there.
Even if you were to call our situation a fictional story, you would still think "Isn’t it so heavily exaggerated?" When we debuted, although we received a bit of interest at the beginning, we were unable to receive a lot of love. Now we're starting over again, but Minhyun isn't here. There seems to be no way for us to go forward easily in one stride. The current situation also doesn't feel like reality, so I often leave posts on the fancafe and update SNS.

How does it feel now that your image seen by others has changed through <Produce 101 Season 2>,? Amongst idols, Ren has been an extremely unique character. 
I think my image of the past was what I could do at that time, and I think many people want to see me just the way I am right now, which is why recently, I don't try to beautify my character. Previously, in order to show a unique character, I did diets non-stop. Since I couldn't eat, I became sensitive, and I would get jealous if the other members were eating. (laughs) Although it was something I did myself, there was a lot of stress. However, now, I'm eating well and gaining strength. I think this is a positive change that arose while doing <Produce 101 Season 2>. The people who previously found it difficult to approach me are also now initiating conversation with me first. While doing interviews in <Produce 101 Season 2>, I was conscious of the camera and thinking, "What can I do to appear well on screen?" a lot. However, from some point, I thought that I wasn't being honest, and broke out of that.

Wouldn't that be during "Oh Little Girl"? 
Yes. During that time, I sharpened my knife a lot compared to the past. Previously, because I had nothing to show, my heart was completely different. I thought a lot that I had to change. For example, they said not to use sunglasses during the "Playing with Fire" stage but I still used it, and I also fixed my makeup myself. Looking at it later on, it wasn't natural. So I practiced a lot on facial expressions, and put in effort to make an honest approach. I made a lot of jokes too, although that wasn't all captured by the camera. (laughs)

You must have had an experience where you lived with your life condensed. 
Something that was often said amongst the <Produce 101 Season 2> friends, was that we lived 7 years condensed into 4 months. I developed a lot then. Previously, an acquaintance advised me saying, "If you live being this conceited, later on, a difficult moment may come". At that time, I didn't want to acknowledge the truth, but I got to discover the meaning of those words during the program. In the past, I’d think, "Even if it's not now, it'll work out later on", but now, I feel that I must unconditionally put in all of the strength I have into what I do. Even if work comes pouring on me like it is now, I will only enjoy it. I'm also thinking a lot of the fans.

Is there something you want to do for the fans?
I think that in some way or another, I have to repay them. Although anyone, and any singer, can use words to express their thanks, rather than doing just that, I really want to do something for them. I even once thought, “Do we have to pool money between us and make necklaces for them?" (laughs) Firstly, at the fan meet, amongst the members we want to show them that we're doing well. So recently, we have been talking a lot, and are putting in effort to understand each other on a deeper level. In the future, I want to show only good things to the fans.

You mentioned that you want to understand the other members, what kind of feelings d you have towards the members? 
Amongst the members, we made up our minds to become a group that Minhyun will not be embarrassed of. We want to build a strong foundation for Minhyun.

Aron's interview

You got to do broadcast promotions after a long time through Raina’s comeback.
At the beginning, I trembled a lot and was nervous, but because Raina was so good to me, it eased a lot of my anxiousness. In the music video, we acted as a couple, but because we've known each other for so long, it wasn't easy. Having to do this alone after having promoted in a team felt empty.

While doing broadcast promotions, there were extremely a lot of fans who came to look for you, how did that feel? 
It still doesn't feel real. But even still, getting to meet the fans on V Live felt a little different. Also, because one spot has become empty, it was both nerve-wrecking and pressurizing. Usually when a worry arises, I would listen to Minhyun's advice, but recently, I go "Ah, Minhyun isn't here." When I pulled jokes, his reaction would be the funniest. When Minhyun was showering I would hold ice and wait outside, and his reaction was great. (laughs) Ren's reactions are also huge so it's fun, and this is how the members play jokes and ease the atmosphere.

You got to do rap after a long time; between rap and singing, which one do you like more? 
While resting for a few months, I constantly practiced singing and rap at the company, because I didn’t know when I would need to do which. If I were to put this out of 100%, 70% leans towards singing. But even still, because I continuously did singing and rap together, I’m able to do both. (laughs) To be honest, I didn’t think of myself as someone who can sing well, but my singing has improved a little. While recording for “If You”, I felt that it went smoothly. I also liked that we were able to express deeper emotions in “Hello”, as compared to the past.

“If You” is a song about waiting, what kind of thoughts did you have while singing it?
I thought of the fans. The other members had opportunities to meet the fans, but I couldn’t see them for a year. I felt sorry, and I missed them.

Do you know that the fans are digging up Aron’s past?
When I look at articles or comments, there are many occurrences where “Sexy Brainy Man” is mentioned. To be honest, those words make me shy. Of course, because they are talking about something good, I do feel good, but I actually didn’t study hard. When I was younger, because I was unable to concentrate for a long time, I would turn off my phone and just study for 2 hours, and that was it.

However, your grades were good. (laughs) You mentioned that you originally intended to major in journalism?
When I was younger, my teacher told me “You seem to write essays well. I think you’ll be able to do well in the journalism area.” so I wanted to major in that. Even if I were to major in journalism, I think I would still be writing about the entertainment industry.

But you came to Korea and did music. Do you remember when you first came here?
Apart from one time in middle school when I came to Korea to play, I had never been to Korea so it wasn’t easy to adapt. During my trainee days in the company I was sent to a Korean Language academy, but because I would practice until late into the night, it was difficult to attend the academy, so there were many times where I skipped it. (laughs) Instead, I learnt a lot from the members. In English when you play games, you use the word “play” so I once said “let’s play a game!” in Korean, but the members taught me “Hyung, you have to say ‘let’s do a game’” (t/n: in Korean, to play a game is literally ‘do a game’) (laughs) And I originally liked exercising, but it was a pity that I couldn’t do it much (after coming to Korea).

While promoting in Japan you must have learnt Japanese, it must not have been easy for you to master both languages simultaneously.
Because I was afraid that I would say something wrong, when we first debuted I barely talked at all. Since I had to learn Japanese and Korean together, it didn’t work out well. So I once told the company “I’ll have to give up on Japanese, and be in charge of English.”, and the compay staff also understood that it was difficult for me. Even so, when I think about it now, getting to do promotions at that time, that in itself, was fun. I think this was a time where I learnt a lot.

Recently on V Live broadcasts, haven’t you been speaking more actively compared to before?
During our debut days, it was frustrating that I couldn’t speak well. There were obviously things that I wanted to say, but I couldn’t express myself because of the language barrier. Recently, I think all the words that I couldn’t say back then are all coming out at once. In the future, I want to pick up the nuances of speaking and do even better. Also, when doing V App, if the fans tell me to do something, JR would say, “Hyung, do it once” and persuade me to do it, creating a fun situation.

The 4 of them are the same age, and only you are older, but the team’s atmosphere looks as if everyone is equal.
It may be because I’m from America? Although I don’t make it obvious, I try to take care of them a lot from behind. If the members were having a hard time, I would ask our manager to look after them, and buy them food when they were hungry. However, I think the members only know about the food that I bought for them. (laughs)

Would you say that such a team atmosphere is the power that comes from overcoming difficulties?
We say this amongst ourselves. “To us, we don’t have anything except each other.” Because of this, during the hard times, we were more united. Since the members don’t like to drink, we drink together about once a year, and on that day we would always cry. JR cried the most; I think the responsibility that came along with being a leader was heavy. When I looked at JR, my heart hurt.

What would you like to say to the members now?
Thank you for enduring it well during the past 6 months, and thank you for doing so well. As your hyung, I’m very sorry that I couldn’t do it together with you all. In replacement of that, I’ll work even harder. Please watch over me well. And I’m also really sorry to the fans. In the future, I hope that you’ll anticipate us.

If you were to introduce yourself to people who still do not know Aron well?
Hello, I’m NU’EST’s full-of-charm Aron. (laughs) 

Baekho's interview

The comeback is right ahead of you; how do you feel? 
I’m taking some time to adapt because there were many things which changed within a short time. However, I'm happy. From before, there were many things we wanted to do at a concert, and that has been able to become realized as reality. At the fan meet, we'll be ableto have a time to communicate with the fans, and even though we would not sing as many songs as we would in a concert, I want to do it in such a way they receive the feeling that they are at a concert. It's a happy worry, because we're thinking of what the fans would like.

What do you talk about with the members? 
We talk about the album of course. It's the first time that we're talking this much while preparing for an album. We're in the midst of thinking about how we can individually present ourselves and as a team, the direction of how we can show our synergy. We want to do something that many people can connect with through music.

What would you say is that 'connection'? 
The situation of which I make songs is different for every track. But, wouldn't it be that even if the listeners are in different places, when they listen to that song, they would be able to understand my feelings? So, I want to live happily. Although I don't know what defines 'living happily', the fans would only be able to feel that emotion only when I'm happy.

You must have had many thoughts when re-recording a song from the past. 
There were many songs of NU'EST in which the key points were given life through Minhyun's voice, and we worried about how we would be able to fill that empty space. I tried singing Minhyun's part myself and it was difficult. (laughs) Minhyun's vocals are the exact opposite of mine, so I had a lot of concerns on how I would express that. So in "Hello", we lowered the key a bit, because we thought that it would be better if we were to sing it in a more composed way. In "If You" we used a lot of falsetto, but I'm more comfortable with my natural register. However, I'm saving my natural register for next time. (laughs)

How is it like when you're working on music recently? 
Firstly, because I feel that I have to listen to a lot of music in order to produce it, I'm the kind who doesn't pick genres and listens to a wide range. I also listen to it a bit like I'm studying. While doing NU'EST activities, because we promoted with songs that we all participated in, it was fun, and because the fans also liked it a lot, there is more affection grown compared to other songs. So, I thought that if I want to work harder on music, I'll have to first listen to more music.

When you make songs, do you have a special style? 
No. I don't think I make songs for the sake of creating a style. During the process of preparing and while working on this and that together, I talk a lot with the members. I think that the preparation for the album starts from there. Even through having such conversations, the mutual atmosphere becomes better. Between the members, I don't know if it’s possible for us to get even closer from here, but it seems like we are getting closer. What's for sure, is that after finishing <Produce 101 Season 2>, we talk a lot more.

It seems like <Produce 101 Season 2> had a big influence. 
Everything feels new. The chart scores on the day we released "If You" were a lot better than what we had expected, so we thought "Is this really our song?". Also, while doing <Produce 101 Season 2>, because my situation was a lot different compared to other friends there, at the beginning there were also many who were uncomfortable. I could not ignore such a situation, and I had to acknowledge it. After that, I worked hard on opening up myself and being honest, because I came onto a broadcast carrying the label of a 6-year idol, and I didn't want to leave any regrets when it ended. No matter the result, I wanted to show my most honest image, and I also want to show that image on broadcast in the future too.

Wouldn't you have had a hard time when the results of <Produce 101 Season 2> came out? 
On that day, right from the morning I had the feeling of "It's not going to work out". (laughs) However, I did my best anyway, and showed all I had. I started to little by little, feel that there were slowly more people supporting me. And I was extremely happy that Minhyun made it in the end.

However, you cried during the V App mini concert. I thought you would control your tears well. (laughs)
To be honest, I cry easily. It was the extent where I used all of my strength to control my tears that day. Because I was really nervous that day, I kept perspiring and I didn't know what I was saying, but the members kept making me talk to ease my nervousness, (laughs) so when we started "If You" and sang, it got a little better. But during "Hello" the members were all already crying so it was really tough.

If you get to meet the fans again, would you be able to control yourself emotionally? 
Firstly, I'll make an effort to try doing that. While going through various incidents, the meaning of our fans, again has become different. When there were unfortunate incidents for me, if it was like before, I usually wouldn't be able to do anything now. However, because there were many people supporting me, I was able to survive like this. To be honest, I don't know what to say to express this. Thank you to all the people who support me. Because of that, I plan to show you new sides of myself. You don't have to anticipate, but even still it would be nice if you do.

You seem to get shy easily, is there perhaps something that you want to say to the members?
During the 6 years, we've never been torn apart, I'm proud that we worked hard at our individual positions and that the results were good. I'm also proud that Aron-hyung waited so well for us, and when I watched Aron-hyung on music programs, even though he wasn't singing with us, he did so well and that was cool. It's so great that it feels like we will be able to do even better in the future.

translated by jetaimedongho
please do not repost; please credit when retranslating

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